<p>Happy people are wise people. They know how to deal with things and manage things through their happiness. Although many people consider wisdom as intelligence, wisdom doesn't resemble cleverness. In fact, when a person is happy, he or she can think in a clearer way and take the best decisions.</p>
<p>My uncle's happiness, for instance, resembled how wise he is. I never actually understood this until my grandfather's death occured. When we all knew about my grandfather's death, we felt so sad and miserable that everyone was crying. However, Uncle Ahmed wasn't crying. In fact, I actually saw a smile on his face that I have understood later on. He taught me that because people cannot be happy all the time. They should act satisfied and content in the hardest times. Although losing a person is a harsh circumstance, people should feel content and think inside the box. Furthermore, they should view things from another aspect that makes them feel happy and wise. Accordingly, a happy person is a wise person because he or she knows what to do even in the difficult situations. As a result, (he whole society should learn that being wise means being cotent, if our societ learned that carefully, we would live in a better sensible world that has no place for dwelling.</p>
<p>However, sometimes happiness is not an accurate scale in measuring how wise someone is. The widely known story, The Wolf of Wall Street, reflects for us about John, the protagonist of the story, how he felt happy only after being so rich. When he was poor, he hated his life and wasn't feeling satisfied at all. There, we cannot call such happiness as wisdom because materialism is not permanent. Eventually, John lost all his money because he was accused of gaining them illegally. When John entered prison, he then realized how his life actually had turned into hell rather than heaven because of materialism. So, he was glad to realize that even though it was too. Hence, John Wolf, in such situation, resembled wisdom because even though he got jailed and lost all his luxuries, he was calm and relaxed about it. As a result, we should take things wisely and look to the profound meaning beneath every surface in order to achieve happiness. We should all determine people's wisdom by how wise they are not by how intelligence they are.</p>
<p>Isaac Newton was an intelligent person. He invented things that left mark on the whole society. However, he was not wise; He was smart. Hence, intelce doesn't resemble wisdom. In fact, happiness resembles wisdom because it determines how can a person keep a smile in all the ups and downs of life. To conclude, we should all learn from my Uncle's experience and from John's story that the happier you are, the wiser you'll be.</p>