<p>I got in for Art History since I couldn't finish the prereqs for English in time ): But I would LOVE to attend UCLA if only I could switch my major there (so Art History --> English). Does anyone know if this is possible? </p>
<p>My counselors told me other wise ("so.. can I switch majors at UCL--""NO") but I've been hearing stories from transfers there who tell me that it's not very hard to switch majors and that I can take the prereqs (I only have 2 finished..) for my major of choice there??? </p>
<p>Btw English is impacted ): ...</p>
<p>Thanks! ^^</p>
<p>You can switch major in there for non-impacted major only…
Plus you need to have certain amount of pre req done in order for the department to approve the switch…so I don’t think you can switch to English major…</p>
<p>Why the sudden change in major? Although I don’t know if it’s IMPOSSIBLE, I know a few people here at ucla who’ve tried that but weren’t successful at all. Now they’re regretting everything (I hope you don’t turn out to be like them). You can try to switch at orientation, but if that doesn’t work out then good luck. Since you’ve only finished 2 prerequisites…, you’ll be a bit behind in your coursework.</p>
<p>Yes (in your case)! Ok, so here’s the thing, although English and History are impacted majors, you can actually switch into them. So unless there was a major change in policy on that this year, you should be able to let them know at orientation.</p>
<p>@kan9160: Ah that’s what I’m afraid of ):</p>
<p>@derivativuh: I sadly realized that I wanted to pursue English rather than art history last fall -__-;;; so yeah it is a bit sudden… :T I did get into CAL for English but I don’t really want to go to Berkeley… Anyway, thank you for your words of advice
! </p>
<p>@LAforlife: do you know anyone personally who had successfully switched into English? Thanks!</p>
<p>It’s quite the risk. You could possibly change your major but I wouldn’t bet any money on it. If you do SIR to UCLA, don’t go in there thinking you’ll be an english major.</p>
<p>Here is a list of all majors offered in the College of Letters & Science, including information regarding whether or not they’re impacted. You can click on the major which will take you to the department’s webpage and tell you exactly what pre-reqs you need and how you can go about changing into that major. </p>
<p>[Majors</a> - College of Letters & Science - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Majors/lsmajor.htm]Majors”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Majors/lsmajor.htm)</p>
<p>English is not listed as an impacted or highly selective major, this is what it says about declaring the major: </p>
<p>"At this time, the Department has not placed a limit on the number of undergraduate English or American Literature and Culture majors at UCLA. The Department does stipulate that to declare either Bachelor of Arts program as your major, you must not be on academic probation. If you are a continuing student, you must have completed one quarter at UCLA.</p>
<p>To declare English or American Literature and Culture as a major, bring a copy of your Degree Progress Report to the English Undergraduate Counseling Office, Humanities 158/160. You may print out your own DPR from URSA, or go to your counseling unit (College Academic Counseling, AAP, Honors, Athletics) to request a copy. A counselor will discuss your academic plan and change your major online. Your new major will appear immediately on your Degree Progress Report."</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.english.ucla.edu/index.php/Programs-Courses/declaring-the-major[/url]”>http://www.english.ucla.edu/index.php/Programs-Courses/declaring-the-major</a></p>
<p>There was a guy on here that switched to History at orientation by nothing but telling them. Another guy also talked about how you could switch to History or English if you wanted (he personally did not). I tried looking for them again, but it’s just too much of a hassle. But ya, if you want to switch to one of those two “impacted” majors, you should be able too without any problems. If you wanted to switch to Economics, Communications, Life Science, Psychology, or Sociology it would be very different.</p>
<p>^ In fact, you cannot change to Economics <em>at all</em>. You have to be admitted into Economics as a transfer student. Same goes for Life Science majors. The other ones are highly impacted but not impossible.</p>
<p>^ thank you guys for your input and advice (although they are very mixed haha)! (: </p>
<p>I’m going to check out LA on Friday & am planning on dropping by their English Department to see if there’s anyone available whom I can speak with about this.</p>
<p>oh wait! well if I cannot switch, can I double in art history and English then? Has anyone done this before (well… say if it is even allowed…)?</p>
<p>Unless they changed the policy on English for the first time this year, you ill be able to switch into it, don’t worry.</p>
<p>^ ahaha ok thanks for the reassurance~</p>
<p>Currently, I’m a psych major and roughly a third of the way through the core requirements, but after taking 100b and discovering the wonder that is APA format, I have decided to switch majors asap. </p>
<p>So, I went down to Humanities 158 and asked them if I could do it and they said yes. Double majoring wasn’t an option because I already have too many units, but if I drop psych now I should be able to finish it just fine. </p>
<p>However, I have about 4 pre-recs done (2 FL, English 3, and 4w). So, I’m gonna be taking the 10 series and Spanish all of next year along with upper electives (since you can’t take the 4 core classes until you’re actually in the major). </p>
<p>You’ll have to think about this strategically, but if you’re going to do it don’t hesitate. Transfers don’t have the time to make up their minds.</p>
<p>I SIRd as a philosophy major and I emailed a life science major counselor asking if I could switch majors. I added that I have most of the life science major pre-reqs completed with a 3.8-3.9 GPA (much higher than the average admitted, which is like a 3.6) and she said I could switch majors.</p>
<p>You can switch majors, even to life science, as long as you get it approved by the department. Basically if you’re qualified to switch you can switch, I’ve heard that they will even let you switch into econ and bus econ if you have all the pre reqs done with a 3.9 etc. Basically, just finish the english pre reqs this summer with good grades and there’s no reason they won’t let you switch if you try hard enough.</p>