Is it just me or is users in this forum are way above average

<p>I’ve been searching for a while now and looking at the forums, it made me think that a 2000+ sat score and a 4.0+ gpa is a common thing. However, looking at my classmates’ stats, it doesn’t even compare to you guys’ own, and even with such low stats they still get accepted to UCs such as Irvine, Davis & San Diego…I’ve heard that mid-level UCs deny students that are way above average, reason? (not my opinion, was told to me by a UC counselor) because UCs don’t want to waste their limited acceptances to students that are probably gonna get accepted to UCLA or whatever…</p>

<p>Going back to the above average thing…looking at the stats of my classmates, their gpa are somewhere around 3.4-3.8…these are not average students! these are top students in the school taking honors and AP classes. And their sat scores were a shock to me when it average out to be 1300s-1700s, Any opinions or comment?</p>

<p>Average students don’t tend to visit CC. Self-selection at work…</p>

<p>Those stats are only common here. As the poster above said, the people that even look for sites like CC are over-achievers, and once they find this site, the ones that post will usually have high stats. I don’t know if that “mid-UCs reject top students” idea is true. I would personally think it isn’t true, but I don’t work for the UC adcoms so I wouldn’t know for sure.</p>

<p>Of course this is a self selected group. They are spending their time on a college forum instead of doing whatever :)</p>

<p>I know several students with very high stats (~4.4 UC gpa, ~2300 SAT) got accepted to all the UCs they applied to, top tier and mid tier (their safety schools). I don’t think it is true that some UCs don’t accept high stat students.</p>

<p>As for below average stats, depending on the UCs, they will look at your grades/test scores based on context.</p>

<p>CCers are a special group of people.</p>

<p>This is why you avoid the “what are my chances” section. Way too depressing for me.</p>