<p>Is it mandatory to attend Bio 1AL Lecture?
Unfortunately, my Physics 8A Dis section overlaps the lecture. And at this point of time, I doubt that there would be any open seats for other dis sections. I acknowlegde the fact that Bio 1AL Lecture is webcasted, but is there any in-class participation required(i.e iclicker)? Has anyone done this before(not attending the 1AL lecture yet still succeed)?</p>
<p>You don’t have to attend.</p>
<p>Just memorize the lab manual before your lab. Actually memorize all of it. </p>
<p>Punch Mike Meigan in the face before he punches you in the ovaries. </p>
<p>Still love the big nerd though. haha</p>
<p>Watch the lectures through Quicktime. When in Quicktime, go to “Window” > “Show A/V Controls” > adjust “Pitch Shift” - to decrease the pitch of his voice and maintain your sanity.</p>
<p>^hahahhaha i wish i knew that</p>
<p>i just stopped going entirely and didn’t do so well in the class lol</p>