This is my first year being away from home. I spent my first two years of my college career going to a community college and commuting to and from home. Last semester, I became friends with this big group of people, but we didn’t become too close until this semester. My friendships with them have certainly solidified over the past few months of this semester. As I look ahead to the last five weeks of class, I am sad about thinking of summer vacation. I am looking forward to the freedom and stress-free three months, but I am sad that I will have to separate from my friends. A few of them are even graduating, and that really depresses me. It seems that my home has been relocated to my college town, and now “home” home seems like a foreign place to me.
Is it normal to feel sad when I think of returning home for the summer? It’s not that I have a bad home life; it’s just that I have really spent the majority of my time in my college town over the last seven months, and the thought of leaving for an extended period really disheartens me.