Is it possible - 1.0 GPA and..

<p>Hours ago? He died my freshman year. Why would I joke about that? That’s not right. You read it wrong - my father died a few hours after release from the ER healthy. This was shortly before freshman year.</p>

<p>I didn’t open this business for college. It was a passion, and I’m hoping that it will help with admissions.</p>

<p>Anyways, I own my company, and I do have proof. I’m not posting it on a college website forum, I’ve sent it privately to a few CCers.</p>


<p>Sorry if this is an ignorant question but how do you have legal documentation/trademarks of your own business when you are an undergraduate applicant who is under 18? Is it under your own name? How does that work. Just wondering because I am in a similar situation.</p>

<p>Most of this is rumor. If you can establish a relationship with a bank and have proper ID, you can get a bank account. Have a good history and you’ll be able to get a merchant account. In the beginning, my mom co signed only on the merchant part of my business for credit verification, but after 6 months of healthy business I requested a co owner removal. There is no age limits for patents, nor for being in part of a corporation as a shareholder and CEO. As far as the contracts go, there are ways to word your contract under the business to make my signature a legal and worth one.</p>

<p>Bump ^^^^^</p>

<p>To the top :$</p>

<p>Last bump for now :P</p>