Is it possible to apply medical school with a record of misdemeanor charge?

<p>Please help. I have a kid with a class B misdemeanor charge (caught when he shoplifted a pair of shoe worths of $56) when he was 19 years old. With such a bad record, can he ever be admitted to any medical school?</p>

<p>I searched for a few med school applications and ALL asked if you had a misdemeanor/felony conviction and to fully explain the details. None said, "If yes, stop here and give up." (It's been a very long time since I applied.)
When applying, give all details and be sincerely remorseful. I also think that doing something like volunteering to work with at risk teens could go a long way to minimize that one episode of very bad judgement.
Felony convictions are, of course, a whole different story.</p>