Is it required to take courses in Spring Semester prior to Fall 2010 before transfer?

<p>Hello, I would like to ask a question</p>

<p>IF the students finish all the requirements to transfer to University of California; </p>

and major course requirements</p>

<p>Do we need to take courses in Spring Semester as well?? </p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>No, but you’re required to tell the UCs (on the supplemental UC update in January) why you aren’t.</p>

<p>It’s not required but not completing the necessary prerequisite courses for your particular major may affect your admissions decisions.</p>

<p>It seems I can finish all my classes at the end of the winter semester in 2010, before I transfer to UC</p>

<p>I mean, if I take the courses in Spring Semester 2010, I will be overtaking the units. </p>

<p>Omm, is there anybody who is in the same position??</p>

60 semester units is the minimum. If you have completed both years at the CCC, then the limit isn’t applied and you can take as many as you want. I didn’t have to take a single class this semester, but I’m taking 19 units.</p>

<p>Do you think it will affect my admission? </p>

<p>I will have taken about 68 units by the end of Winter semseter and will have completed both IGETC and general education requirement courses. </p>

<p>I am an international student, so hopefully I would like to hear the result of UC admission in my country. </p>

<p>thank you for your advice!</p>

Ohhh. You’re an international student!!! That makes a difference, hahaha. </p>

<p>The maximum limit for units is then put at 80 units. </p>

<p>Just keep that GPA up and ECs in good shape! [:</p>

<p>T.K, word of warning though.</p>

<p>The UCs typically require you to have above a 3.0 GPA for the Winter and Spring Sessions prior to transfer. So if you’re going to take one course the Winter before you transfer, make sure you do not get a ‘C’ or else you will not fulfill that requirement.</p>

<p>Please also note that IGETC is not a UC transfer requirement. It might be required depending on the campus and program you apply to but, it is not a standard UC requirement like the GPA, units and 7 core courses.</p>