Is it selfish for parents to pressure child to attend alma mater, especially safety-ish alma mater?

<p>True and honestly redhead, the bottom line is the OP “can” attend whichever college the OP chooses…the difference is only one will his parents pay for with their own money. The others, the OP pays for out of the OPs resources. USNWR rankings aren’t compelling to everyone and the OP is interested in engineering and face it, there’s going to be no appreciable difference in starting salary from MSU, UofM, Purdue, ND OR Northwestern…there are only a couple engineering colleges that award a premium to new undergrads - MIT, Cal Tech and Harvey Mudd spring to mind. If the OP really wanted to, the OP could commit to 1 or 2 years at MSU and finish up the 300-500 level classes elsewhere since the first couple years at most credible engineering schools are pretty much same-o, same-o. That would take alilttle less dent out of the OPs savings. But personally it’s not the brightest idea to exhaust a trust fund on a college that is twice as expensive as the two instate options. If the OP hated MSU and managed good grades freshman year the OP could transfer to UofM on his/her own dime and use considerably less of the inherited money. </p>

<p>College is more than starting salaries. Thank you agenda pushers for destroying my thread. I hope you’re happy. Do note you’ve convinced nobody that “where you go to school doesn’t matter.” But keep fighting the good fight, ie turning half the threads on this forum into mid tier public school self promo. And how would you even know the difference? Did you attend Princeton and Rutgers at the same time? No you did not. You’re just trying to justify where you or your children ended up.</p>

<p>To the people that were helpful, thank you. Good bye.</p>

<p>I think it’s sweet and selfish at the same time. I think if they mentioned it, then it’s cute. But if they keep telling you that you should go there, then it’s not. But there is a chance that they are not telling you something important, like that there is a huge alumni scholarship/discount. A lot of state/safety schools have all ranges of people going to them. So those 20 girls who are not in the top half of the class are only one part of the population of that school. But as a college student currently and as the parent of a child starting college in a few years, I understand them trying to get you to go to a certain school for financial reasons. I would ask them what they can afford and start the conversation there.</p>

<p>GullLake, we are not stupid. A sincere poster would not get so antagonistic (and so quickly) toward people who don’t tell him what he wants to hear. </p>

<p>The more you post the more sympathy I have for your parents. </p>



<p>Don’t let the stuffy fashion police shame you for showing pride in your alma mater. :D</p>

<p>Wear that UF Alumni…or any other college/HS wear/class ring/etc proudly!!! </p>

<p>If they complain, send a few dozen live gators their way. :smiley: :smiley: :D</p>

<p>We’re not supposed to dress up our dogs in college swag? Whoops. </p>

<p>My dog knows she’s a green dog. Though one of her best friends is named Maize. </p>

<p>OP, if you can’t handle any possible answer, DON’T ASK THE QUESTION. Internet message boards 101.</p>

<p>Bottom line is, parents do not owe their children a college education. Your parents are willing to pay for you to attend MSU, which would provide you with a degree. Your choices are to go to MSU on their dime or look at schools that you are willing to attend and that offer generous merit scholarships, and figure out how you are going to make up the difference. Which could well mean that you will have to be at a school that is below your standards, just like with MSU. Or use that trust fund.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter what is fair, selfish, or reasonable. That’s their stand, and we aren’t going to be able to change that. And since they are the ones with the money, they get to set the rules.</p>

<p>What matters is whether or not you want a college education at their expense or not. Many, many kids would be thrilled to have a parent pay for their educations at a good university and be grateful for what they could get. You are not. But you cannot change them, you can only determine your own behavior and attitude.</p>

<p>Cheer up. If you keep this up, they may want to send you to Berkeley. </p>

<p>Or Siberia!</p>

<p>Or Michigan Tech!</p>

<p>I think the thread is done now.</p>