Is it too late for me?

Right now my GPA is a combined 2.8 but this semester I am slipping up pretty bad between working, biology, chem and calculus. I figure my GPA is going to drop because I just have alot on my table right now. But I am changing my major to kinesiology because my advisor told me a Bio major is not necessary to become a Physical therapist. I just wanted to know if these classes that I took towards my Bio major will affect a schools decision to accept me into their physical therapy program, If they see i do good in the classes toward my Kinesiology major?

Also I am a second year first semester

I’d say to quit your job, and focus on school first, as you’re having troubles managing too many things. Once you have your grades and school managed, then you can go pickup an EC/hobby to devote time to. Jobs should be the last priority as a high schooler. I’d also consider retaking your classes with the worst grades, so your GPA is brought up. Another recommendation would be to begin some ACT/SAT prep. Doesn’t have to be hardcore prep, but maybe trying a section of a test here and there to at least get acquainted and gauge your performance. The earlier you start, the better, and if you do well on them, they could make up partly for your GPA.

As for your school chances, it really depends on the school you are applying to, so I don’t wanna give any broad answer to that.

Reduce your hours. There’s no way around it - if you work hours that lower your grades and those lower grades mean you won’t get into the major you want, either you change professional goals or you reduce your hours.