Is It True About The Crazy Parties?


<p>So yeah, I hear UCSB is pretty much a party school</p>

<p>is that so?</p>

<p>Every school is a party school.</p>

<p>The only reason why UCSB is so infamous for partying is because of its huge Halloween bash.</p>

<p>But honestly, every school has an IV, whether it be a specific street or side of the campus.</p>

<p>Oh, okay.</p>

<p>Yeah, a friend of mine who goes to CSULB got invited to the halloween bash
and he said it was pretty big</p>

<p>ok well IV is freakin crazy. My friends and i go up there on weekends to visit friends. Yes, it is crazy.</p>

<p>Define crazy?</p>

<p>I think it’s just the size of the parties that gives it the reputation. Like i said, every school has an IV, but UCSB’s IV is almost like a little town-not just a single street.</p>

<p>Honestly, though, it’s my number two choice and I’m not interested in the party scene at all. You can get by easily, it’s not like IV is in the middle of the campus…it’s off to the side in its own separate place.</p>

<p>before coming to ucsb, i was wondering the same thing. There are many ways to get away from the party scene. Like he said, the parties are in IV and not inside the campus</p>

<p>I’m a freshmen at UCSB and really can’t agree with the party stereotype. Sure halloween was ****ing intense, but it’s not like people are going to hit keg stands in your vicinity while you’re studying for a midterm. If you go out to I.V. it does get crazy, but not really every night. Parties are pretty much the same at every campus…</p>

<p>Got it, I didn’t apply to UCSB</p>

<p>pretty much cause IDK, I was just not too into Santa Barbara.</p>


<p>Pardon my ignorance. What is iv?</p>

<p>Isla Vista [Isla</a> Vista, California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Isla”>Isla Vista, California - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>^ That place looks beautiful</p>

<p>so that’s where the halloween stuff happens!</p>

<p>@mango.lassi:Pardon my ignorance. What is iv? </p>

<p>@slodad: Isla Vista Isla Vista, California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia </p>

<p>Oh, ok. Since the title was crazy parties, i thought iv is for intravenous scene.</p>

<p>IV…and just about everywhere in Santa Barbara is really pretty! I live about 15 minutes away so I see it practically every day.</p>

<p>lol.nice. Where do you live?</p>

<p>Carpintera. It’s a small town south of SB.</p>

<p>yeah. Only like 15,000 people. I live like 20 minutes East.</p>

<p>As a UCSB student, i’ll try to inform you guys.</p>

<p>Yes, the party scene is here, but the party scene exists at other schools in near the same magnitude. The differences is that here everything is close together, so you don’t have a bunch of people drinking and driving. It is much more risky here. Where at lets say…UCI, the parties exist, but you have to drive everywhere which makes things more difficult. Our parties are just concentrated in one area. Our campus is also absolutely beautiful, which contributes to the relaxation and laid back atmosphere. </p>

<p>I really dislike it when people think that UCSB is only a party school, because you guys have absolutely NO IDEA. Our academics are superb, especially the bio, physics, and engineering department. I am a biochemistry major and all of my chemistry professors are awesome. They all wrote their owns books that we use, so they go right from the books which makes learning easy. They are approachable and easy to understand. Yes, we have the SAME academic rank as UCI, and UCDavis, and we have a good social atmosphere. I have taken courses at UCI, and did not have a good experience. The professors are mostly hard to understand, it’s incredibly hard to get around because essentially bicycling and skating is banned in most areas. There is no downside to UCSB, I couldn’t have made a better choice. </p>

<p>PS: if you are going to UCSB because you think that you can get by easier because everyone is “drunk” and it would be “easier,” you should pick another school because you will get blown away. Don’t ever underestimate, people are here to get an education, and they know that.</p>

<p>" PS: if you are going to UCSB because you think that you can get by easier because everyone is “drunk” and it would be “easier,” you should pick another school because you will get blown away. Don’t ever underestimate, people are here to get an education, and they know that. "</p>

<p>Well said man. I couldn’t agree more!</p>

<p>God! I really hope I get in! haha</p>