<p>be automatically considered cheating and the better score won't be considered?</p>
<p>I heard this somewhere but don't know how UPDATE this information is! Can someone please provide a link to a website where it states this?</p>
<p>Personally, I think this is a silly rule, as people can do really bad the first time and work really really hard to get a much better score the next (I'm not being biased, I haven't taken any SATs yet)</p>
<p>this cant be right…without preparation i took my diagnostic test and didnt break 1600 and now my score is around 2250</p>
<p>patels11, that’s amazing! My timed diagnostic was about 1800, without any studying or any idea what was on the SAT. How can I improve my score as much as you did! Any tips? Or is there a special course you took? Or did you just do practice tests after practice tests until your hand was sore
<p>to OP: I think it’s 500+ but u may want to check with others. </p>
<p>@patels11: WOW! Congrats on the amazing score increase!! Any tips? What did you do?</p>
<p>They do an investigation. They don’t AUTOMATICALLY just cancel your score.</p>
<p>OP: I think it’s if you have an increase of 200+ points in one section. This happened to me and my scores were flagged but I was cleared and my score was validated because 1) the tests were taken a few years apart from each other and 2) my SAT subject test record was strong (this is what was said by the CB person). They didn’t even need to look at my PSAT score which only corroborated the legitimacy of my higher score.</p>
<p>They need to find 2 pieces of evidence to destroy your score. One is having a 250 pt increase, or a 200pt in a single section. The second piece of evidence they find of you cheating is having someone next to you receive similar scores. If you don’t have anything to prove your scores, they are destroyed. You will be offered a free, supervised retake, all alone. </p>
<p>CB is evil.</p>
<p>Update! I called College Board today and asked them about this, and they said that a “large score increase” may result in an investigation. I asked her what this range was, and she said she “didn’t REALLY know” the exact numbers, but about “100-400”. I thought the 100 score increase was really stupid, but I guess it’s for security reasons!</p>
<p>thanks guys.
i mainly worked with my kaplan tutors and i was able to go from a 540 in math all the way up to an 800.
that couple with just frequent passage and sentence correction practice helped me get my score way up. its very possible if youre willing to put the effort in.
good luck to you =]</p>
<p>^Thanks!! How much of a score increase should I expect to see if I practice a section every day until summer is over and a little into sophomore year before the PSATs</p>
<p>Depends on how much effort you’re willing to put forth.</p>
<p>The College Board wants to ensure that no one is cheating, so internal thresholds are established to ensure that large changes from one administration to another are evaluated. CB does not just cancel your scores in this situation. If the scores are valid they will be reported, just most likely delayed.</p>
<p>i hope not because I’m taking them in June…i took the SATs before the PSATs and the converted score shows a 250+ difference without prep</p>