Can i choose Microbiology major for nursing pre reqs?

Im thinking of going into nursing. However, at the school i want to go to, which is CSULA, the nursing major is impacted and i do not want to decrease my chances of being accepted to the school. so, i was thinking of putting Microbiology as my major. Will i still be able to take nursing pre reqs under the microbiology major?

I imagine your college has a list posted of all of the nursing prereqs. I’d cross-check them with the requirements for your major and see how they can fit together, particularly where you have choices under your major. I’d be surprised if microbio would not fit. I’d also look at the byeaubf prereqs for a few other colleges where you might want to apply for a transfer, to cover your bases if you don’t get into nursing at your own college.

I know I don’t need to be under the nursing major to apply for nursing school. Or is that not the case in all schools? And, can’t I transfer into the nursing major once I’m in the school?

If the school is a 2+2, you can major in anything as long as you take the Nursing pre-req’s and then apply to Nursing school at the end of Sophomore year.

Sorry, byeaubf is not an acronym, but is a typo.