<p>I'm starting to doubt this...and believe that Ross was just bsing with us lol. He said stewart was coming in March -_-</p>
<p>I would go if that’s true.</p>
<p>OMG. let us know when so i can sit in on this lecture!!! please!!!</p>
<p>^ that’s pretty much why he wouldn’t go to a class. the masses going would break those max cap/fire hazard laws just because everyone would want to go and i’d imagine it’d be hard to keep news of him coming a secret</p>
<p>I was in his class last semester, and he said that this semester Colbert and Stewart were coming. But it was just BS lol, so I assume it’s the same case this time. If they got him they’d probably put him in Zellerbach and just try and make a **** ton of money lol…</p>
<p>He’s said it multiple times too throughout this semester. So Idk what his incentive would be even after people couldn’t join his class anymore. </p>
<p>I agree…why would you put stewart in ps 179 for FREE when you could make tons of money in zellerbach hall </p>
<p>It’s probably bs…him trying to be funny lol. But he never ever said he was joking or anything when he said it</p>
<p>one day, you should find a guy that looks like colbert or stewart and have him open the door dressed up, and you stand up and shout “LOOK IT’S COLBERT (or Stewart)!!!” and confuse the crap outta your prof</p>