Is Liberal Arts at Purdue Good?

I am an international student and recently been accepted at cla. Since I am an international student, I cannot go and visit the campus physically. But from the reviews I have read, many people have said that Purdue is a very boring college. Plus, the cla course there is not that good. I am more of a social person, so a party school would be preferred. However, my main concern it the course. So if anyone studying at cla could tell me if it is worth it coming to Purdue for a BA, because I have gotten into MSU, IUPUI, UTA, and SUNY Buffalo as well.


Purdue is not boring, but it’s mostly a tech school, so it’s not excellent as humanities, although it’s good for business /economics.
What do you call UTA?
If 'msu ’ is Michigan State, then it’s a very good, well-known balanced school with an excellent honors college.

@MYOS1634 UTA is University of Texas at Arlington. And yes MSU is Michigan state.

Just checking you didn’t mean Austin (UT for Texans but sometimes shortened to UTA by others.) it’d change the answer…