is NYU a safety for me?

<p>So NYU is the least selective school I'm applying to, and I initially thought (hoped?) that it would be a complete safety for me. But then I was rejected from Yale SCEA and it seems like a lot of qualified people aren't getting into places they thought were safeties, so now I'm nervous and wondering whether NYU really is a safety or not. I know NYU has gotten so much more competitive recently, and I'm nervous about my limited extra-curriculars and a possibly not-that-great recommendation. What do you all think?</p>

Public High School (2400 kids, in a suburb of Boston)</p>

<p>Top 1% of class
GPA of 8.791 (out of 9.0)... about a 3.88 on a 4.0 scale</p>

<p>AP Scores: 5 on French Language, 5 on Biology
Recipient of Middlebury Book Award
Won gold medals for 2 years in National Spanish Examination
Placed 3rd, 6th, and 7th in National French Contest</p>

<p>Courses this year: AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Physics C, Honors English, AP Spanish Language</p>

<p>SAT I: 2330 (800 math, 730 reading, 800 writing)
SAT II: 800 (math II), 790 (french), 780 (spanish)</p>

<p>Main EC is the theatre program at my high school:
I was selected last year after a competitive application process as the Director of a full-length production
I've also worked on 7 other shows (as Stage Manager three times, Student Producer, Assistant Stage Manager, and Props Assistant) and acted in 5 shows</p>

<p>Other ECs:
Peer Mentor Program (chosen as student representative to guide around prospective and transfer students)
Mentors in Violence Prevention Program (go to middle schools and teach lessons about sensitive topics, like sexual harassment)
Orange Shield (low-key school-organized community service organization)
Speech Team (for 2 years, I didn't really accomplish anything significant)</p>

<p>Essays: interesting topic, very well-written, maybe not personable enough?</p>

<p>Recommendations: I'm guessing they all are very good but not outstanding/phenomenal... one of them might be slightly negative (we got into a disagreement a while after I asked him to write me a rec, and I don't know whether or not he had already written it...)</p>

<p>Do you think one mediocre (or worse?) recommendation could prevent me from getting into NYU, or are my SATs/GPA/etc. enough? Is NYU really a safety for me? Thanks for chancing me!</p>

<p>yup, NYU is your safety.</p>

<p>Yeah… This is a safety for you, but I would recommend applying to at least one other safety, just so you can have choices.</p>

<p>assuming you applied to CAS, you should be fine. </p>

<p>unless that rec letter really is negative, then i’d worry.<br>
could you have another teacher send a good one?</p>

<p>I had two academic recommendations sent (both of which were very good), and he was the third/supplemental recommendation (the theatre program director). I clearly regret asking him for a recommendation… haha</p>

<p>I just know at a lot of schools (e.g. Ivy League), literally ONE less-than-perfect part of an application can mean a rejection… I just hope NYU has a more holistic approach to reviewing applicants, or that NYU is less picky!!</p>

<p>your record is very good, but cover your bases by having more safeties than just NYU. Not just an academic safety but as a financial safety as well. good luck plum.</p>

<p>you shouldn’t worry so much. however, i do know someone who was rejected from CAS last year with a 2310 and was in the top 5%. so definitely apply to another safety!</p>

<p>Your application is definitely impressive, and while NYU may seem like a safety, it’s one of those schools in which you can never really determine what students they’re going to admit or not- regardless of stats. Schools at the level of NYU and above, in my opinion, can never truly be deemed as ‘safeties’ because every year, the applicants become more and more accomplished, and admission becomes more selective. While I do believe that you have a great chance of getting in (really, 90% in my opinion), you should be applying to other schools at the same level of NYU. Don’t let NYU be your only safety.
Good luck!</p>

<p>I initially had a bunch of safeties on my list (at NYU level and below), but then I looked over my list and realized, I really wouldn’t want to go to any of those schools. NYU was the only school that was even close to a safety that I would really be happy to attend. And I figured, why apply to schools that I feel like I wouldn’t want to go to. So I eliminated all of those schools (URochester, Tufts, UMich-AnnArbor, etc.) and now it’s too late to add on more schools probably… and I still feel hesitant to apply to schools where I would probably never go. But now I’m conflicted and realizing there’s a chance I actually won’t get into any of my 9 colleges!</p>

<p>I know statistically I should get into at least NYU. I’m just nervous about becoming one of those horror stories you hear about where a \qualified applicant doesn’t get in anywhere! I guess I’ll just hope for the best… and find things to occupy me while I wait for April 1!!!</p>

<p>Nice stats but NYU is never a safety for anyone :/</p>

<p>Look, obviously you’re very smart and qualified and should get into NYU easily. I’d be shocked if you didn’t. </p>

<p>That said, pick another safety. Sometimes very qualified people simply get rejected. NYU gets more applications than any other private college in the U.S, they have lots of applicants just like you who apply for a safety. My best friend from HS had similar stats to you, she got into U. Chicago, but got LSP’d at NYU…weird. </p>

<p>I’m sure you can find 1 college you like which is a safety. Pick another college around NYU level - maybe William & Mary or Boston College? NYU is between those 2 schools in rankings.</p>

<p>top 1%?
yeah. sounds safe</p>

<p>I doubt NYU could be a safety for anyone, usually when schools are ranked well into top 100 it’s hard to tell who they will reject.</p>