Is NYU worth it for someone interested in Broadcasting & Journalism?

<p>People always tell me I am crazy to even think about going to such an expensive school like NYU. However, I have always felt it would be worth it for my intended major. I want to go into journalism either print or broadcast. I've always felt it was more than justified because of the enormous amount of internships the school has to offer. People say you can get internships anywhere and while this is true...I want a succesful career. I'd rather intern at MTV than some small local TV station, Z100 vs. some radio station no one knows about, Cosmopolitan magazine vs. a small town newspaper. MTV, Z100, KTU, Cosmo Magazine those are all places I have dreamed about working in someday. Id rather have one foot in the door towards a succesful career in the city I plan on settling down in rather than making all these small steps for years and years without ever really knowing where it may take me. Yes I know hard works pays off and peoples and non-big name schools can have succesful career to but it seems you can start out way ahead of those people by going to a school like NYU and you career will definitely progress faster. To me it makes sense. To want to waste money just for a schools name. </p>

<p>For the students in Stern I know its DEFINTELY worth it to be a business major at NYU. But with everyone questioning me I'd like to get some opinions at people who attend the school. Is it worth it for someone going into the broadcast & journalism field. I dont plan on going into a massive debt of 250k+ like some...Im sure due to my situation ill get a generous award but I am ready to take on some debt if I have to. Do you think working in those places during my career would be worth the debt I accumulate as a student?</p>

<p>Also I know I may not get jobs at these well known companies right away…</p>

<p>(1) The places you’re looking to intern at highly desirable. For example, all Conde Naste publications take applications for internships almost an entire year in advance and only accept around 2% of applicants. It’s everyones dream internship. So, get in line. </p>

<p>(2) Can you maintain a 3.6/3.7+ GPA at NYU? Because that’s what most of these companies are looking for from potential interns. Some even have minimum GPA cut-offs of around 3.5+. </p>

<p>(3) How much debt? No one can advise you on whether or not the debt will be worth it if they don’t know exactly how much in-debt you’re planning on being? Anywhere north of $50,000 for an undergraduate degree is typically advised to be passed on. </p>

<p>(4) NYU’s location may provide you with easy access to internships in NYC however, students from Northwest (which is, to my knowledge, the top school for journalism and has been for 30+ years) will be coming into NYC and will most likely be more highly regarded than an NYU student. So… Just remember that the location of NYU doesn’t necessarily provide you with better access to these top internships, since many students from school equally and even more highly regarded will ALSO be in NYC for the EXACT SAME internships you’re looking for. Translation: You need to be a highly competitive applicant - 3.7GPA range.</p>


  1. I am a hard worker. I wouldnt think of going to NYU if I didnt plan on keeping a high GPA. I will do whatever I have to in order to reach my goals. What is the process in getting an internship? Im sure they look at more than your GPA and a general want to be in the field. How competitive is it? Is it so competitve you may go without getting an internship at all?</p>

<p>2) Like I said, I dont plan on getting into crazy debt. Im strivig for less than 50k. The community college I am attending pretty soon has offered me a dependency override allowing me to go to school for free. I know I probably wont be able to go for free at NYU but im hoping a dependency override will qualify me for a generous offer. I also have an education award and will possibly get a second. Both worth 5500k. Ideally I would like to have no debt at all but if I have to I am ready to take on a REASONABLE amount of debt.</p>

<p>3)Northwest? Are you speaking of Northwest school in Wyoming? I did not know that was a competitive school.</p>

<p>(1) As far as internships go, if you only set your sights on top internships, then yes, it’s possible you will not get one at all. I have quite a few friends to applied to Conde Nast publications and did not get any offers from them. </p>

<p>(2) That was supposed to say Northwestern, not Northwest. Sorry, I was in a bit of rush when I wrote my original response.</p>

<p>Do you study Media as well? Your friends who applied to Conde Nast…if they didnt get any offers there did they recieve offers elsewhere? From people you know who study journalism and any type of media/communications like Broadcast and such what internships have they gotten?</p>

<p>Do you feel I can get just as good internship opportunity at a smaller or less expensive school?</p>

<p>Ive always felt that being an NYU student would be an advantage. I know Stern students are targets for banks and what not. I was hoping maybe NYU students would also be targets for magazines and radio/tv stations. Im not saying I am going to just ride on the fact that I am an NYU student and not work hard and maintain a good GPA either though.</p>

