Is one ap class good enough for sophomore year?

i’m taking 4 honors, 1reg, and one vpa and one ap. is this good enough to get me into ucsd or uci. i’m planning to take 3-4 ap classes junior year.

Yes 1 AP sophomore year is definitely good enough. That will not look bad on your transcript.

Of course it is, don’t worry! My daughters’ school limits sophomores to only one AP and sends lots of kids each year to UCB and UCLA.

aw thank you. that makes me very relieved! :slight_smile:

That’s perfect in my opinion. You want a little bit of rigor, but you don’t want to take on too much. Most schools don’t even allow some sophomores to take APs, so you’re already on a good pathway. :slight_smile:

That’s fine. Remember that you need some rigor but not a buttload of it—you have to protect your GPA too. If you take a total of 4 APs TOTAL, you will be fine. It’s a myth that students need 8-10AP classes. Even Ivy Leagues don’t require that much—they want students to be interesting, with extracurriculars, not just GPA machines. If you take too many APs and your GPA suffers, it won’t look good. Also, your AP classes should be related to your major so your application has a theme. So if you are an art major, you take AP Art History, AP Art, not AP sciences or AP math.

4 honors and one AP is a LOT of work and is likely to eat into your ECs and fun time… not to be dismissed. Also, be aware that taking lots of hard classes won’t make up for a GPA deficit. Take classes you know you will do well in.

yes yes i understand and i am willing to take a challenge!