Is PITT right for me?

<p>Hey everyone! I am eligible for the university full scholarship so I wasnt surprised when I was admitted into the university honors program and the nursing school but I keep hearing that pitt nursing students never sleep and have mental breakdowns because the program is crazy hard. I am so nervous that I will not be able to survive the program and I need some more information from anyone that can help!!!!! I want to commit but I dont want to be committing to my death wish! </p>

<p>I don’t have any personal knowledge. However if you have a full scholarship, you should not have to work during the summer. If that is the case, you could take two classes during the summer (other than nursing and science classes) to lighten the load during the school year. </p>

<p>For example, my daughter took an online community college history class over the summer (while she was also working fulltime), in order to lighten the load during an upcoming difficult semester. It cost about $400 including books.</p>

<p>Someone else had posted that Pitt’s nursing students take their chem classes separately, and are not mixed in with the pre-meds. That is a plus.</p>

<p>You might try posting that question at the U. Pitt part of CC.</p>