Is Seattle University a good school for Electrical Engineering?

Been thinking about attending college in Washington/Seattle for Electrical Engineering. Is SU a good university? I’m not sure about UW or Seattle Pacific. Which schools are good near Seattle area?

Any state flagship will have an excellent engineering option.

@eandesmom , can you provide feedback on SU?

The school is so small that I doubt its EE program has any kind of reputation, either good or bad. It’s ABET accredited, so it at least meets that standard.

For people who like small classes and personalized attention, going to Seattle U rather than a big state flagship like UW could be the smarter decision.

Seattle U’s engineering school does have a decent reputation in the Seattle area and it would be no problem to get a job around here when graduating. As others have noted, it is a small program so does not have the national recognition of any larger program. It would be much easier to be admitted here than UW engineering.

It’s small, Catholic, and expensive compared to in-state options. Location is great right up on Capitol Hill.

Agreeing with the previous poster, it’s an expensive option for EE. If you don’t want UW, WSU and Eastern are good options as well.