Is taking 9 credits over the summer too much?

I’m taking discrete math, economics, and a social work class over the summer. They all start and end at the same time except the social work class is online. Previously, I’ve taken 12 credits in a regular semester with all A’s, and occasionally B+'s/B’s. Do you think it’s too much for the summer or is it manageable?

@persiannn123, I do think 9 semester credits is a lot during the summer. Twice I had taken 6 credits over the summer, and the pace was really fast with hours of daily homework on top of class time.

@whidbeyite2002 The online class I heard is really easy with open note quizzes and discussions boards, etc. I don’t know if that makes a difference… do you still recommend not taking it even though it’s just an elective?

Have you thought about taking the online course with just one of the other courses? Math and econ will be time consuming.

@CheddarcheeseMN Yeah originally I wanted to take 6 credits. But I found out that I’m an elective behind for graduation. I’m already one year late for graduation as it is. The math course is a 100 level course, and I’m a senior. Do you still recommend taking 9 credits or dropping a class?