Is taking Chem 103 + Phys 103 as a 1st semester Freshman too difficult?

<p>It would be followed by 104 next semester.</p>

<p>A little about myself: I am going to be a bio major (pre med)
4 on AP Chem test
3 on AP Physics B test</p>

<p>the 4 tests me out of chem 103 and I could take 104, however, its been 2 years since I took AP chem and I'm pretty sure I forgot most of the things. I was advised to take chem 109 but I am not sure how difficult chem 109 + phys 103 would be for me.
but then again, I could always review chem 103 material over the next month and take chem 104+phys 103 then phys 104?</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>my schedule as of now is</p>

<p>Chem 109
Math 171
Poly Sci 209: Intro to Pol Theory (I am considering doubling in Poly Sci)
Econ 101 (or English 100 if I get off the waitlist)</p>

<p>or I could do </p>

<p>Chem 109, Phys 103, Poly Sci 209, English 100 this semester
followed by
Phys 104, Math 171, Econ 101, filler next semester?</p>

<p>and I can finish my math reqs. sophmore year by taking math 221 + Organic chem</p>

<p>I sorted through your various course choice possibilities. You are best off not messing with the schedule you and your advisor worked out.</p>

<p>It will be better for you to have more math before physics- you may even choose to take a calculus based physics with/after calc 221, calc makes so much of physics more easily understood. It sounds like you need some more precalc math, taking this and Chem 109 is fine. Chemistry is a lot of problem solving- your AP chemistry will come back to you as you do any chem course (if not, there may be the option to switch to 103 during the semester). </p>

<p>Do NOT use biology as a premed major. Only choose a biological science for a major if you truly want to focus on those majors (many biology majors at UW) and look forward to the advanced courses in this field. Choose the major you would most like to learn about- if it is political science, great. You can use the neeeded math/science courses for medical school admissions for your breadth requirements. It is very likely you will change your mind about medical school, or not get in if you apply (only around 1/3 of applicants get in). It is better to focus on a major you enjoy and not as much on the premed reqs.</p>

<p>During your first semester at UW you will have a much better idea of the direction you want to take and will be able to plan second semester with this new knowledge of yourself. You may decide the social sciences are much more interesting and change your goals.</p>

<p>Repeat- stay with your schedule. There is plenty of time to get the premed reqs, wait and see if you still want them after you sample one science at UW.</p>

<p>Wis75, Can you direct me to the sources related to medical school admissions rate?THX.</p>

<p>Not off hand- it was that for my year and others I have heard of in more recent years. Check with the UW Premed organization/club when you get there, or do your own online search. The message is that it is going to be much less than a 50% chance- for those that apply. All premed students should have alternative careers they can love and should choose a major they like, not one convenient for medical school.</p>

<p>well, in the end I changed my schedule. I replaced econ 101 for Phys 103
so its:
Chem 109, Phys 103, Math 171, Poly Sci 209.</p>

<p>And in terms of careers, I def want to be a doctor. If not, then a pharmacist. If not, then I’ll go where ever my bio/poly sci degree takes me. And “last resort” (not to take away from anyone who is) I’d be a cop - I’ve always wanted to be one.</p>