Is taking econ necessary?

<p>I'm a junior who is currently taking Microeconomics this semester. I'm also in the IB program and required to take the SL exam for Micro as well as Macroeconomics (which I will take next semester). If I get credit for Micro and Macro, will it help lessen some of the GEs I have to take for a nursing major or is econ more of a GE for Business majors? </p>

<p>You can look at the curriculum of a couple schools where you are interested, which are often posted online at the nursing dept’s website. At my daughter’s college, a nursing student has to complete a couple courses in social studies, such as history, politics or economics. However, the students can choose which ones. I believe if you earn credit for the class, it would count towards those general ed requirements at most schools. </p>

<p>My daughter is a nursing student at UPenn and had both micro and macro but did not get any credit for them. She did for English and History though.</p>