Is TCU a good fit for me?

Hi all!
I have more or less decided on attending TCU this fall but haven’t committed yet because I just wanted to make sure that it will be a good fit for me, especially the social aspect. I’m super torn on whether or not I want to go through rush, let alone join a fraternity. I know I have to fill out an application over the summer and whatnot but I’m not entirely sure Greek life is the best fit for me and I’m worried that I won’t fit in socially if I don’t join, but at the same time Greek life is very appealing to me because of the immediate friendships and support network, as well as the philanthropic opportunities. I know something like 60% of TCU students don’t go Greek and it doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t have friends if I don’t join, but I really struggled socially through all of school really until my junior year of high school, and, while I would say I have become more outgoing and friendly since before my junior year, I still struggle a bit socially and don’t have much experience socially. In addition, I don’t drink because of family and personal history of mental health issues, and I received a full tuition scholarship from TCU that I don’t want to lose due to behavioral issues. Honestly, I’ve never even been to a party which is part of why I’m so uncertain. I know certain fraternities party less than others, but I’m worried I won’t fit in in any of them not only if I choose to pledge but during rush week as well. I have talked with a few current students and they recommended rushing even if I decide it’s not for me, but, me being the overthinker that I am, am worried even about rush. I know I’m probably making a huge deal out of something that’s really not but it’s very important to me. The other school that I’m still somewhat considering, Notre Dame, costs a lot more than TCU (even though I received some financial aid from ND) but I feel like it would be a better fit socially for me than TCU. But, like I mentioned, I am leaning towards TCU at this point.
Any advice/words of wisdom?
Also, for any current students or recent grads reading this, what fraternities would you suggest I look into? I’m already looking at Beta Upsilon Chi (Christian frat) because my faith is very important to me and I think I would fit in well, and am also looking at Pi Kappa Phi, but am open to looking into any fraternities (especially those who might party a little less than others and are focused more on the brotherhood/being there for each other aspect). Also, what is Greek life like at TCU? I’m planning on getting involved in other things on campus too-how much of a time commitment is Greek life? And is “hell week” a real thing?
I apologize for being really long-winded but would greatly appreciate any help!

If no students or recent students reply, message me and I can give you a parent opinion (son graduated and daughter attends now).

College is about being yourself. I can hear your anxiety in your worlds. This is JMHO but maybe adding rush into the mix of starting college will be just too much stress and that extra thing you have to worry about. Maybe for freshman year you just want to start school, be yourself, get acclimated and be you. Fraternities will always be there in the future and after being there you will have a better idea if they are for you at TCU. Good luck.

You need to reach out to Beta Theta Pi. Relatively new house but the highest GPA of fraternities on campus.

I know this is a super late reply, but perhaps you’ll find it beneficial. Also, full disclaimer, I am a current student at TCU and terribly biased!

I personally think TCU would be an excellent fit for you. I was 100% in the same boat as you when I was considering TCU. The Greek life intimidated me (yet was tempting), but I’d received a full tuition scholarship and liked many other aspects of the school. In fact, I was considering joining the Christian sorority, which does a lot of activities with BYX.

I will be honest. It took me a little over a semester to really settle in and find a group of friends I felt comfortable with. I did not rush, but I did join the Christian sorority. However, I found an excellent church to join, and eventually, things fell into place. I have never gone to a frat party, but I feel perfectly satisfied with my social life. It might take you some time to find the people you “click” with, but I promise that they’re out there. Even though it’s smaller, TCU has so many campus groups.

As for joining BYX, go for it!! I cannot say enough good things about the Christian fraternity. They do host root beer keggers and formals, so you get the fraternity experience while still staying true to your values. I have so many friends in BYX, and they are all such great guys. I can’t speak for other fraternities, but I know that there is absolutely no “hell week” when you join. Plus, the commitment isn’t bad either. Their meetings are pretty late at night (around 9 I think?), but you definitely put in less time than you would in a traditional fraternity.

In addition to all that, even if you chose not to join a fraternity, the freshman dorms at TCU are amazing communities themselves. Every hall strives to put on events to bring students together. There are great common areas, and some of my best friendships formed in the dorm. I’m assuming from your scholarship that you’ll be in Milton, the honors dorm. The community there is excellent! When I lived there, we had the Milton Cup, and each wing competed for prizes and glory. I think you’ll find a lot of like-minded students there.

Good luck, and go frogs!!