Is the Lake Shore Campus Similar to Evanston?

<p>I understand that the Lake Shore Campus is only about 4 miles from Northwestern University. Are the two neighborhoods similar? Is LSC neighborhood a fun place for students (restaurants, bookstores, shops, etc)?</p>

<p>Lake Shore is mainly a residential area and a poorer one than many north side Chicago 'hoods. I wouldn't say it's quite as fun for students as Evanston, but then very few towns are.
The campus is rather small but relaxing. There are ethnic restaurants close by and many more a mile down Devon. There are countless bars and a discount movie theatre within walking distance. Bookstores and shops are non existent. Most people go to Evanston or downtown for shopping and movies. I don't know, I kind of liked it having to travel to get places. You're given a UPass so why not jump on the El for 15-30 minutes?</p>

<p>LSC is definitely not Evanston. It is located near Rogers Park which is trying to turn around from its prior reputation. There really isn't much at LSC; you definitely have to travel downtown Chicago or to Lincoln Park to find upscale restaurants, shopping, etc. LSC isn't as big as Northwestern's campus either.</p>