Loyola's Location in Chicago

<p>I am really interested in LUC, but I have yet to visit. I was just wondering if anyone has visited, and could anyone tell me about where in Chicago it is located? Is the area where it is right in the center of the city? Is it safe? Is it very commercialized and is there a lot a shopping and dining opportunities? </p>

<p>Thanks for any input!</p>

<p>LUC has two campuses. Main campus is at the very northern tip of Chicago right on Lake Michigan, very pretty. The other campus is right smack in the middle of downtown, fabulous location. Which campus you attend will depend on your major, although you are free to attend either one as some classes are offered at both. Students get a pass for unlimited use of public transportation so it is easy to take advantage of the city. D is a transfer student who just started this semester. She just loves Chicago! </p>

<p>If you are a transfer student you should be aware that there is a severe housing shortage. They are doing their best to keep up with demand, but we were not thrilled with the way that housing was handled. It wound up OK in the end but did cause a lot of stress.</p>

<p>do you think the housing will be a problem for a transfer student entering in the spring? i was kind of hoping to live in the dorms just so i could meet people</p>

<p>Best bet would be to call “Residence Life”, you can find their number on the website. They should be able to tell you if there are any free slots. I am sure you can probably get into Baumhart Hall which is downtown. Just make sure you visit there before you commit. It is the most expensive, and in D’s opinion did not have the opportunities for social interaction that she was looking for. Totally different than rooms at Lakeshore campus.
You can also look on “Iggy’s List”, which is kind of like the LUC version of craigslist. Just do a search on LUC website to find it and view current listings. People advertise furniture, books, need for roommates, etc. Once you have an LUC email you can post your own. If you don’t get into a dorm, it is a way to find a room with other students. That was how D found her place.</p>