Is there an advantage to applying early to UW-Madison?

The deadline for applications is February 2nd and I have not turned my application in yet. I have heard that it is rolling admission, but I have also heard that all students who submit their application by February 2nd get fair and equal consideration? Is it easier to get into UW-Madison when you apply early, because of more spots available? Or is the only benefit that you know your decision earlier?

The latter, and usually only if you’re obvious one way or the other. I submitted as early as possible and heard back as late as allowed.

Too late to contemplate applying early. You need to get all of your application materials in by the deadline- this includes materials from your school. You DO get the same consideration. One reason so many earlier applicants are postponed is that they are waiting for all applications before deciding which get the acceptances.

You can’t get in if you don’t apply, however good your credentials are. Remember- deadlines are deadlines. It won’t matter how good your credentials are if you don’t bother to submit them in time.

Remember the UW website is the official answer to any questions.