Is there any thread or articles talking about career or life after admitted to the dream schools (colleges)?

Friendly inquiry: is there any thread or articles analyzing the effectiveness after accepted/admitted to the dream schools (colleges)?

Effectiveness could be - career prospects? academic rigor? students network?

Since there are so many discussion on the efforts to make it into the dream school, I wonder if there is any “data” or discussion about the reality after attending these institutes?


This seems hard because dream schools vary. For some a dream school is MIT. For others it’s their state university. And others a small, lesser known school. So career prospects, rigor, network and so on will vary because they are vastly different schools.

I think people self determine a dream school. Probably 80% of the schools in the country are somebody’s dream - maybe more.

I think - all the things you are looking about are separate - but some rating services wrap them all into one.

Honestly - rigor - is in the eye of the professor - some schools have two sessions, each taught be a different professor - same class - and one is brutal and the other easy.

You can see outcomes from each school and others aggregate, etc.

Niche has ratings of many categories and they are easy to use - things such as student life, etc…and then Princeton Review, US News, and others rank various facets.

Just google the school name and niche.

good luck.

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Not sure if any thread or article would be any more than speculation/anecdotes, disguised as expert opinion.

After all, no matter how well, or how poorly, someone did after graduating from their “dream” college - there is no telling how equally well/poorly that same person would have done if they had spent 4 years at a different college in a different city with different social circles.

At best, someone could compare past statistics and likelihoods - but that’s a far cry from actually knowing how that would transfer to a specific personality dealing with the actual professors, classes, housing, friends…

In any case, there currently is thread along those lines:

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