<p>so I was just wondering... I have taken two expository writing English classes at the university of Washington (English 131 - English Composition, and English 111 - English Literature and Composition), would these credits transfer as elective or could one of them take on the place of writing the essay?</p>
<p>Keep a copy of the syllabi for those classes and GRADED assignments. I’ve heard of transfers getting out of WTE, but I don’t know about freshmen.</p>
<p>Read the following link from NYU re: the Expository Writing Course:</p>
<p>Writing the Essay
V40.0100 4 credits.
Required of all CAS, Stern, Steinhardt, and Silver Social Work freshmen and transfer students who have not completed an equivalent course at another college. No exemptions.
This is the foundational writing course in expository writing. Provides instruction and practice in critical reading, creative thinking, and clear writing. Provides additional instruction in analyzing and interpreting written texts, the use of written texts as evidence, the development of ideas, and the writing of both exploratory and argumentative essays. Stresses exploration, inquiry, reflection, analysis, revision, and collaborative learning.</p>
<p>First paragraph in the course description talks about an equivalent course at another university, so you probably have a case for getting credit for the classes taken at Univ of Washington. However, as advised by MAP^,
you should have all supporting documentation and schedule a time with your advisor, when possible, to discuss what is required to be considered for a waiver out of Expository Writing.</p>