Sternies can no longer test out of WTE

<p>I asked one of the admissions officer about placing out of WTE and into Commerce and Cultures and here the response I received:
"Plan on taking a writing course this coming fall. Testing out of the writing course was a pilot policy we tried, but is no longer in place. Freshmen entering in the class of 2014 will take a writing course Fall 2010 semester."</p>

<p>...that's kinda disappointing. =/</p>

<p>is commerce and cultures a writing course, cus if it is then hopefully we still have a chance?</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“]Freshmen[/url”>]Freshmen[/url</a>]</p>

<p>5) Expository Writing Program course</p>

<p>For Fall 2010, Stern freshmen will take one writing course. There will be more details on the specific writing courses and eligibility posted on the web and emailed to you closer to registration.</p>

<p>Maybe there is still hope?</p>

<p>^Yeah, I saw that. That’s why I asked the question. Maybe. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard they were getting rid of the testing out policy though.</p>

<p>Yeah, I was hoping I’d be able to transfer credit from summer courses at a local community college and be exempt from WTE because I know someone who did that and I called 4 different people today at NYU and got everything from “Yes you will be exempt from ONE class but still have to take ONE class of it” (Even though I thought you had to only take one class of it? I guess she means per semester?) to “Yes I think you can, you will just have to email **** with writing samples and info about the course” to “Yes, and no…it depends. Hold on let me ask an orientation leader…<em>hold</em>…Okay. No. There is nothing you can do to be exempt from it. Period.” </p>

<p>Btw, when I emailed the person I received a reply back within minutes saying that they didn’t deal with credit transfers and dont accept them for any of the courses. </p>

<p>AHH I’m scared for this class.</p>

<p>please tell me you are kidding … please tell me you are kidding …</p>

<p>As per this website here: [url=<a href=“]Freshmen[/url”>]Freshmen[/url</a>]</p>

<p>Expository Writing</p>

<p>All students entering Stern as freshmen are required to complete a two-course writing sequence, Writing the Essay (First-year Fall) and Business & Its Publics: Inquiry and Discourse (First-year Spring). No credit toward degree requirements is granted for prior coursework or examination results in writing or exposition.</p>


<p>It looks like they got rid of commerce and culture for you incoming freshmen. That sucks.</p>

<p>Wow. I was really really really hoping I could get out of that class with a 750</p>

<p>Oh, it isn’t THAT terrible. It is kind of funny to see a bunch of Sternies making a huge deal out of ONE required writing class. Granted, the class is kind of bizarre, but it definitely isn’t the end of the world! Steinhardters take TWO WTE classes.</p>

<p>It is a common misconception that we only do one. We take a second writing course that is Stern-specific called Business and its Publics.</p>

<p>Oops, my mistake! Is it WTE-esque, or is it a different writing course altogether?</p>

<p>It’s sort of like WTE where we have 3 cycles (3 progressions in WTE). Beyond that it’s totally different. My professor even said, whatever you learned in WTE is bs, we don’t use any of that crap in this class. It’s all about business writing and social issues.</p>

<p>Okay, turns out Sternies with an SAT writing score of 740 or higher can choose to take Commerce and Culture. BUT, apparently they won’t take the ACT equivalent.
[url=<a href=“]Freshmen[/url”>]Freshmen[/url</a>]</p>

<p>^ That is extremely unfair and makes me wish I had focused on the SAT instead. Oh well, what can you do…</p>