<p>I'm desperate, that's why I ask here.
It's for my college English course and it's due tomorrow.
I just need some feedback about it because English is my second language and I'm not very confident about my writing style and sentence structure.</p>
<p>Not really a full-course essay but a 2-paragraph response.
The first paragraph is about Watts riots and the second one is about MLK's reaction to it.
About 500 words total</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your help, please say yes if you wish and I'll private message you right away!</p>
<p>Yes you can pm me it!</p>
<p>oh thank you, will do it right now</p>
<p>If you do not get a good grade be sure to discuss with your instructor. Get feedback for future efforts. Office hours are there for this purpose- to talk with the professor/TA and get their help. Also be wary of who offers help- they may or may not be better than you (consider the “Collegebound” moniker and date of joining CC- a HS student?).</p>
<p>I emailed my TA on Wednesday asking to see her, but she replied me yesterday and my work is due tomorrow morning. 
but I’ll definitely try harder next quarter since this is my last writing assignment for the course.</p>