<p>As desperate as I become approaching the 15th
An idea pops up. Well, just a hope I guess.</p>
<p>I know that state universities like UCs accept appeal letters for those who got rejected.
How about privates, or better yet, Yale in particular.</p>
<p>I'm already assuming we cannot appeal to privates, let alone Yale, but, you know, desperate people do desperate things (what?).</p>
<p>So, appeal or no appeal? As much as I like witty criticisms and opinions, I'd like to see some solid factual support first. </p>
<p>A mere curiosity. No more important than that. :)</p>
<p>AA isn’t an insider. He’s like me, a volunteer alumni admissions worker. We’ve just been around this process for quite a while.</p>
<p>Can you imagine if Y and HPS didn’t have “all decisions final”? There’d be 21000 appeals each season. I suspect that the publics have appeal processes because of state government oversight – the privates don’t have to be accountable to that.</p>