is there the slightest chance?

<p>I don't really have anyone in my community that knows enough about colleges to advise me on where I might get in. Since virtually all of you know a lot more than my guidance counselor, any feedback would be appreciated.</p>

<p>I'm from a small town in rural MT, saludatorian in a class of ~115, SAT 2270 (630 writing, 640 math, 800 critical reading) I doubt my SATII scores will be great, prbly about 700 each for lit., spanish., and math II
I've taken the most advanced classes offered at my small school and will be taking several independant studies of my own creation during my senior year (calc II, Spanish Lit., Liberalization in Latin America, etc...)<br>
I was selected for an education abroad school with which I traveled through Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.<br>
I play saxaphone well (I was an all state alternate this year and hope to make it in the upcoming year) I'm 1st chair in school and play in pep and jazz band.
I play Varsity soccer, am student body vp, I'm in MUN, Youth Leg. Science bowl, academic olympics, math counts, etc.
I also do policy debate and will become coach this year.
I'd like to study international relations</p>

Swarthmore (first choice)
Pomona or CMC
Stanford (both my parents went there)

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>SAT 2270 (630 writing, 640 math, 800 critical reading)</p>

<p>^ You wrote that.</p>

<p>For the first five schools on your list, you'll need to increase your SAT writing and math scores.</p>

<p>Edit: Wait, your scores don't add up right. You have a good chance at all your schools with a 2270.</p>

<p>ugh, sorry, apart from the fact that i really can't write at all!
(740 math, 730 writing)

<p>All the schools you mentioned are very well within your grasp; the only one I think is really competitive is Stanford but the fact that your parents went there may give you a slight edge.</p>

<p>Otherwise, your ECs look amazing.</p>

<p>You also mentioned you would be "taking several independant studies of my own creation during my senior year (calc II, Spanish Lit., Liberalization in Latin America, etc...)" If it is possible for you, you may wish to dual-enroll in one or more of these courses during your senior year at the local cc so the grades can appear on your transcript. If you take enough classes, you could be valedictorian.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Being from rural town in an under-repersented state is a big advantage at top schools.</p>

<p>Do you think that if I apply to these schools and maybe a few more in this calliber, (maybe williams or haverford) that I need to apply anywhere safer than Earlham and Hampshire? Taking classes at a CC is really a really interesting suggestion but I actually don't have one. I am, however, receiving credit for my Independant studies.</p>

<p>Apply to several safety schools that your actually like.
It's possible that you could get rejected from almost every college on that list.</p>

<p>Would Georgia be underrepresented? I go to school in a tiny rural town in GA and am interested in Middlebury, so I was just curious.</p>

<p>veggie, I think you have a reasonable chance at every school on your list. I would definitely add Williams as I think your interest in sports plus music is a good combination for Williams (and Amherst). </p>

<p>Certainly DON'T eliminate your safeties, however. Everyone needs them.</p>

<p>Have you had a chance to visit some/any of these schools? They are all excellent schools but quite different in ambience.</p>

<p>PS to literatus: I would say that rural Georgia would be a plus at Middlebury.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response, momrath.</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses!
I've visited all of the schools listed with the exceptions of Pomona, CMC, and Earlham. I immediately fell in love with Swarthmore, but I feel that I would be happy at any of these schools. I certainly won't eliminate my "safeties". I was just wondering if I needed to apply any safer places like montana state universities. How guaranteed is my acceptance at the safer schools like earlham, hampshire, or reed?</p>

<p>Your 1540 M+CR is way up there for Reed (well into top 25%; W is not used), and your ECs look great, but essays and high school record (yours sounds excellent) are more important, as is overall fit, so I'd say your chances are very good at Reed. Essays and interview help to determine fit at a quirky place like Reed. Reed is 3rd in future PhD rate for poli sci, in case that is relevant. State and geography are not considered by Reed. No guarantees anywhere!</p>

<p>I just got my ACT and SATII scores and wanted to know how they fit with everything else.
ACT 35
SATIIs 650 Spanish, [I'll retake this one in the fall after i get home form ecuador] 700 Lit. [I might retake it, input?] and 750 Math II
Thanks again!</p>

<p>i´m really having a hard time figuring out how SAT IIs fit into the picture.</p>

<p>i'd retake all of them to be honest...math II seems high but given the curve it's not too great (i got a 740 and will definitely retake). The other two scores don't really go well with your very high SAT I, so you may consider retaking all or different subjects. I believe they only take the top 3 highest scores, so if you can do better in another subject then do that.</p>

<p>"I'll retake this one in the fall after i get home form ecuador" </p>

<p>omg, you went to Ecuador!! I was an exchange student there. it was awesome. </p>

<p>anyway, depending on how long you are there, that would really help ur sat spanish scores, i got like a 760 after only a 10 week stay.</p>