is this a bad idea?

<p>im not joking. hahahah.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>did you put a mustache and the pole in, then?</p>

<p>hahah no its one of my senior pictures
i was wearing the mustache</p>

<p>i covered my friend with the pole and took her out. it looked funny and not ridiculous enough with just me wearing a mustache.</p>

<p>haha senior pic? nice. go for it, i sent in a lame one of me at columbia</p>

<p>well, my essay is about how fugly and awkward i was in middle school so i was considering sending a picture of that instead. but i think ill go with this. haha thanks</p>


<p>Thats your essay? Really?</p>

<p>“well, my essay is about how fugly and awkward i was in middle school so i was considering sending a picture of that instead. but i think ill go with this. haha thanks”</p>

<p>yeah then go with it, it isn’t too crazy a photo.</p>

<p>lol, same here Procrastination. I wasn’t even looking straight into the camera… but it was the only decent picture of me at Columbia, haha</p>

<p>Help, how did you upload the photo.</p>

<p>I can’t believe you wrote your essay about that…</p>

<p>hahah uh well i didnt put it like that.
it was just generally about that calm it down</p>

<p>i didnt turn in a picture! im gona send one with my midyear i think. and btw u are not fugly anymore. even with a mustache</p>

<p>Honestly, OP, your essay topic, at least from what youve said here, violates the most basic college application advice any advisor would give you. I would have spent more time assuring myself of its viability than obsessing over an optional pic. My 0.02</p>

<p>i think the picture is to help admissions committee remember an applicant so wearing a disguise may not be a great idea</p>

<p>Just hope the admissions officer isn’t old enough to think of Hitler.</p>

<p>hahaha, i could see the hitler resemblence.</p>

<p>and everyone else,</p>

<p>go be judgmental somewhere else
i asked one question, i definitely wasnt “obsessing over an optional picture”. thanks.</p>

<p>just curious, what exactly about that essay topic is bad? i honestly do not know. it sounds viable to me</p>

<p>^If you judge from the topic alone, then it doesn’t really say anything about the OP. Who knows, maybe she wrote about how she was able to grow and learn from such an experience - but I find it difficult to relate physical features to personal character and that kind of stuff.</p>

<p>People oftentimes try to be too creative without having any substance in their essays - but hers could be well written for all we know.</p>

<p>i dont want to explain the whole thing because i dont really see why it matters</p>

<p>but basically it was about how i was a follower and everyone else dictated my actions and pretty much controlled my appearance. And i was happy with that at one point in my life and that it made me feel accepted. “This misconception was fueled by my belief that, socially, I did everything correctly”</p>

<p>and how certain events in my life changed who i am, but i pretty much showed change through how i carried myself and outsiders impact on that. such as, when my best friend attempted suicide numerous times i pretty much forgot about my appearance.</p>

<p>is that okay with you please judge me again.</p>

<p>i dont see what the big deal is. alot of dudes had facial hair at my HS. am i missing something?</p>