question for a friend

<p>is this a good picture for her to send along with her app</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>btw she always looks like this</p>

<p>She might want to choose a more appropriate outfit- one that doesnt show as much. However, if she feels doing so would take away from her persona, then submit this one.</p>

<p>Way too much make up. </p>

<p>But I agree with the above poster, if that’s the persona she’s conveying, it’s up to her.</p>

<p>What is the image she is trying to project to the admissions committee ? It won’t help her but I doubt it will hurt her (too much). </p>

<p>Ten years ago it would have been shocking inappropriate, today it just looks like another facebook personality on parade.</p>

<p>She’s wearing a lot of makeup . . . But I mean, if she really does look like this all the time, there’s no point in dressing up as someone who she isn’t. You know? I hope that made sense. D:</p>

<p>I hope that this is a joke…</p>

<p>Tell her to suck it up for one day and dress up with appropriate makeup and go get some photos. Myspace pics get no cred with the adcom. Tell her to look straight at the camera and smile!</p>

<p>This isn’t about being something your are not, this is about respecting the standards of the process. When you interview in the professional world you wear a suit. Doesn’t matter if you ever wear suits (or business casual even) because it doesn’t suit your style, you do it because that is what is expected. This photo could be, as others have said, a total minor thing, especially if she is a stellar applicant. However, there are no promises. It could be a make or break thing for that one anal member of the board, or it could just be the balance point that tips the scales one way or another. Why risk it? Your application will show your personality, let the picture just show your face. I doubt adcoms sit aroun trying to glean personality traits by looking at app photos all day.</p>

<p>I think you should choose a different photo that still shows your personality, but is also appropriate.</p>