<p>We recently picked our courses for next year. Currently, I'm taking:</p>
<p>English II-H
Sports & Ent Marketing
Cisco ITE-H
French II
<p>Current weighted GPA: 4.438</p>
<p>For next year, I have:
AP English Language & Comp
AP Environmental
AP Micro Econ
AP World History
Cisco I-H
Cisco I-H (It's 2 blocks/credits)
Advanced Algebra w/ Trigonometry-H
French III-H</p>
<p>I could replace French w/ AP US Gov't, but 5 APs would be really demanding, and I'm trying to keep straight As.
I'm in the Cisco Networking Academy program at my school, so for senior year, I will have 4 blocks of Cisco II-H (CCNP). By the time I graduate, I'll be CompTIA+ certified, CCNA certified, and CCNP certified. So my senior year will look something like this:</p>
<p>AP English Lit
Cisco II-H
Cisco II-H
AP Macro Econ
Cisco II-H
Cisco II-H</p>
<p>Is my junior year rigorous enough for the likes of elite schools, such as Georgetown, Penn, HYPS, etc? I'm learning towards a major in Economics, and then law school after. [:</p>