Is this a rigorous junior year schedule?

<p>We recently picked our courses for next year. Currently, I'm taking:</p>

<p>English II-H
Sports & Ent Marketing
Cisco ITE-H
French II

<p>Current weighted GPA: 4.438</p>

<p>For next year, I have:
AP English Language & Comp
AP Environmental
AP Micro Econ
AP World History
Cisco I-H
Cisco I-H (It's 2 blocks/credits)
Advanced Algebra w/ Trigonometry-H
French III-H</p>

<p>I could replace French w/ AP US Gov't, but 5 APs would be really demanding, and I'm trying to keep straight As.
I'm in the Cisco Networking Academy program at my school, so for senior year, I will have 4 blocks of Cisco II-H (CCNP). By the time I graduate, I'll be CompTIA+ certified, CCNA certified, and CCNP certified. So my senior year will look something like this:</p>

<p>AP English Lit
Cisco II-H
Cisco II-H
AP Macro Econ
Cisco II-H
Cisco II-H</p>

<p>Is my junior year rigorous enough for the likes of elite schools, such as Georgetown, Penn, HYPS, etc? I'm learning towards a major in Economics, and then law school after. [:</p>

<p>I would say you should keep French. It will be to your advantage to be sooner fluent in a foreign language. Although I really object to the overall nature of your school, I’m not gonna say anything.</p>

<p>You’re fine. It seems like you can handle those APs which looks like you’re going to do a lot of written work lol. I like the way you’re steady and not rushing things like some kids do in high school. Rigor differs from person to person. You definitely want to have classes that keep you always on your feet.</p>

<p>You need 12 or more APs per year for your schedule to be defined as rigorous. If you have any less your schedule is probably as tough as it was in kindergarten.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. @Godot17, why do you object to the nature of my school?</p>