<p>I just got 3 Duke books in the mail yesterday: 2 big ones and 1 small one.</p>
<p>Today I got 2 more Duke books about life after Duke and grad school opportunities.</p>
<p>Does everyone get these?</p>
<p>I just got 3 Duke books in the mail yesterday: 2 big ones and 1 small one.</p>
<p>Today I got 2 more Duke books about life after Duke and grad school opportunities.</p>
<p>Does everyone get these?</p>
<p>lol, unfortunately, yes. I am sorry if that disappoints you.</p>
<p>this is generic, im still gettting large viewbooks from schools i didnt even apply to</p>
<p>haha, i got excited by this too, for about 2 seconds until i realized it was stupid. i feel like it’s unnecessary at this point- it feels like they’re trying to convince us to apply, but we already did! we already want to go. and i also can’t help but feel like it’s a waste of paper. but got me excited. 48 days!</p>
<p>haha rjacob i just got the same thing in the mail today!
i have to admit, as well as I knew it didnt mean anything, it did get me excited.</p>
<p>wow, i didnt realize we are only 48 days away! good luck to all!</p>
<p>you sure every one gets these? seems a bit excessive</p>
<p>i mean i applied to vanderbilt and they sent one book just about the school in general, which made sense. but 4 books and a booklet titled “Essential information for first-year students and their parents”? I’m not sure.</p>
<p>I totally agree, its seems like such a waste of paper and money for the schools. I too at first moment got excited, but the books are way too generic and there is not letter with them.</p>
<p>Just makes no sense why they would give us mail when we have already applied.</p>
<p>Exactly toasteroven, that’s what I thought! The books are great and such, but they really seem to be aimed towards HS Juniors and below, “apply now!” is on every other page. Also, they don’t even talk specifically about Duke, they are so vague and random I feel…and it does seem a HUGE waste of paper to send out 4 brochures to all applicants when the aim of the brochures seems to be to encourage people to apply…I dunno, it’s weird.</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s annoying, especially because the envelope size makes it seem like an acceptance letter, but don’t read too much into it.</p>
<p>hm well if it makes you guys feel any better i only got one packet?</p>
<p>I just got a Publisher’s Clearinghouse letter in the mail… I’m feeling lucky ! :-)</p>
<p>Lolz – in all seriousness, rjacob OP, I can see your point – everybody looks for a sign to keep their spirits alive. Good luck.</p>
<p>you know what everyone does not get? a likely letter. Now that really means something.</p>
<p>Although the likely letter this year was kind of pointless. Mine arrived one week before decisions were released.</p>