I know I don’t have the strongest stats with a 29 act and 3.7 unweighted gpa, but my family’s financial situations have had a huge affect on my life. I have had to work at my father’s auto repair shop 6 days a week for the past 2 years. And it consumes a lot of my time, I rarely finish my hw on time and I didn’t have much time to study for the ACT. I applied for mechanical engineering. In my essays I talked about my passion for automotive technology and wanting to become an automotive engineer. Also, my brother will and my sister already has graduated from UCSD. Basically, should I appeal? thanks for your help
No harm in trying
If you did not previously mention your work schedule then yes. Be sure to relate how the number of hours you worked impacted your studies, and helped you develop a strong work ethic that will help you succeed at UCSD. Use the appeal form and stick to the word count they set.
I would not mention that your siblings attended- it is irrelevant
I agree with what @takeitallin said. Good luck!
@takeitallin I did mention working in my application but not to the extent that it affected my studies just that i developed a passion for engineering, is there still a reason to appeal? Also does it matter when I appeal? For example, does appealing in the next few days show that I am really committed compared to appealing in April?
There’s some information that might be of interest to you in this recent thread:
It seems that your appeal will be successful only if you include “new and compelling information that was not on your original application,” which may include “personal hardships, and/or extraordinary personal circumstances or events.”
I think that you have cause to appeal. Make it clear that you had to work in your father’s shop 6 days a week to help with your family’s finances. Your work schedule greatly impacted your study schedule but due to your good work ethic and perseverance you were still able to achieve success in high school. Your past work ethic shows you would be a good fit and a successful student at UCSD.
Be sure to use the on-line appeals form that UCSD requires. It is very simple and allows you a very limited word count to present your appeal. Do not go over the word count. Here is a link for the form: https://students.ucsd.edu/_my_application/_files/admitfaqnfrsnrt.pdf. You have to sign in to access the form and then submit it on-line. The sooner you submit, the better. My son appealed in 2013 and was admitted within 2 weeks. Good luck and keep us posted.