Is this a study-crazy school?

<p>How is the workload at BC?</p>

<p>please be honest</p>

<p>Most people I know here actually aren't study crazy & manage to spend a decent amount of time socializing, gym, doing other things.</p>

<p>Just what I needed to hear, I can't wait!!</p>

<p>There are tough classes and there are easy classes. They balance out. About 20 hours on a low week. 40 hours on extremely stressful finals/papers week. I study about 3-4 hours a day (which is considered a lot by some), but I have only 2 hours of classes on most days so that means 12 hours of free time (after sleep)...That's a lot of free time. Maybe that's why I'm on College Confidential so much. </p>

<p>If you are pre-med however, kiss your free time good bye and say hello to 3-dimensional model of organic molecules.</p>

<p>I heard that kids in the CSOM have far MORE work than the other programs</p>

<p>Is this true?</p>

<p>"CSOM have far MORE work"</p>

<p>I don't know really. It's a running joke among the humanity majors that CSOM has far less work than most with the exception of communication (like any good liberal arts university, we love to bash Communication major too). But I am quite sure of the work load there, those I know from the school never complain about it. The school with the most work, in my opinion, is Nursing. A lot of clinical hours during junior and senior year; generally hard classes through out.</p>

"I'm not quite sure of the work load there..."</p>

<p>I had a light courseload in CSOM this semester but it does depend on the professor.</p>