Is this ALOT of work or is it just me?

<p>For AP Euro at my school I have to read, above ebrything else. I total, I have about 15 books for the class. </p>

<p>Each week we read about 4 packets (5-20 pages long), 2 chapters (50 pages), 2 outlines (30 pages), and primary/secondary sources (15 of them).</p>

<p>Additinally we have a map or two to paint and label and 120 terms to define. Once in a while there is a writing assignment.</p>

<p>^ lol that sucks. Some teachers are just work-nazis.</p>

<p>Sounds like an AP class to me :) Specially one as broad as European History. Have fun =D</p>

<p>That's about the same amount of work I got for APUSH.</p>

<p>LOL i got no APUSH hw last yr. my teacher for that class is known around the school for giving no hw to his AP class (ONLY AP class tho)</p>

<p>you'll be prepared :) </p>

<p>yeah, I know some of your pain-my class is doing about a chapter a day in class, and 2 chapters per week in Am Pag's review book. Plus, weekly essays and stuff. Though, my teacher doesn't "believe" in Multiple Choice, DBQ's, etc, so I have to do all that on my own. She also doesn't "believe" in teaching as a construct, but that's another story.</p>