<p>I'm getting a little worried because my grade is slipping... </p>
<p>I've only had two A-s (both in Junior year) but I'm not doing so well senior year. </p>
<p>Here are my non-A grades first quarter:</p>
<p>AP Chem: B+
AP English Lang.: A-
Multivarible Calc: B or B+</p>
<p>Is that bad enough to affect admission? </p>
<p>Thank you in advance!</p>
<p>^I need to know too :-)</p>
<p>B in multivar is fine, since it would be the hardest level math class you’ve taken yet.
the rest depends on your rigor of classes the previous years compared w/ senior year. but really, if you don’t get accepted for a college, the B+/A- won’t be a primary reason.</p>
<p>Actually, I took linear algebra over the summer and got an A. =[</p>