Is This illegal?

<p>So I'm in an interesting situation...both of my parents will be at China for 2 weeks. I will be alone, which means I have to start driving now. However my school is out of parking spots. </p>

<p>Is it illegal to park in Driveways or streets of neighborhoods (people i don't know).
I don't know how to explain.... Parking at a sidewalk in a neighborhood for 8 hours or so illegal?</p>

So I'm in an interesting situation...both of my parents will be at China for 2 weeks. I will be alone, which means I have to start driving now.


<p>^Whoa. I'm gonna be in the exact same situation soon. Coincidence!</p>

I'm living alone...i have no relatives here in U.S.</p>

<p>I don't know if your school is out of actual parking spaces or not, but at my school you can request a parking permit if your parents are out of town so you can park in the lot.</p>

<p>don't park in peoples driveways!
are there any business or anything near the school with parking lots?</p>

<p>^ thats not an option for me. I don't think my school doesn't have that option.</p>

<p>Hmm.. there is a supermarket near my school, but i heard a lot of people getting tickets...though.</p>

<p>I think you'd be far more likely to get a ticket in a random person's driveway though.</p>

<p>Ya... maybe... I could pay to park in their driveway. It's either something or walking home (would take like more than an hour and almost all up hill)</p>

<p>Last year whenever I missed the bus in the morning I would park in a neighborhood about a half mile away from the school, but it was on the street, not in a driveway... I don't know how your neighborhoods work, parking on the street might be illegal. If it's not, parking in front of someone's house for eight hours is a little suspicious anyway so I don't know if I'd recommend doing it in the same neighborhood for multiple days in a row.</p>

<p>Do you have a friend who lives within walking distance of the school? Maybe you can get permission from his/her parents to park on their driveway and carpool with your friend.</p>

<p>I don't know but in some neighborhoods parking on streets is not illegal, but when my mom went overseas she had someone bring the car back from the airport and they parked in the wrong driveway so it got towed. The cleanup was, of course, a pain in the ass.</p>

<p>Anyway carpooling with a friend might be the best to their house, park on their driveway, and take their car to school, or have your friend pick you up at home, but it might be more convenient for them for you to drive to their house and carpool rather than them picking you up.</p>

<p>ok .</p>

<p>why not just use public transportation?</p>

<p>no buses and taxis in my suburban town.</p>

<p>have you considered walking? It's alot healthier.</p>

<p>hehe too lazy..hour walk to school(downhill) and 1 and half hour back home (uphill)</p>

<p>okay. I have the perfect sloution.
Ask a friend of yours to take you to and from school on his/her way. (assuming a friend of yours has a car).</p>