<p>Can I start my community college with out taking my Compass Test? I plan to take it, but I'd rather take electives first and at the end of the semester take the test and follow through with my main classes.. I want to test the workload so to speak. Will any college let me do this? and have you ever done this?</p>
<p>It totally depends on the college. Many community colleges will not let you take English or Math courses without first taking a placement test (which could be COMPASS, but there are others, such as AccuPlacer). Other colleges will not let you enroll until you take placement tests. That is the case at my college, [Everett</a> Community College: Stay Close… Go Far.](<a href=“http://www.everettcc.edu/]Everett”>http://www.everettcc.edu/) </p>
<p>My question is, what’s the big deal? COMPASS tests take less than an hour to complete, so why not just take them? Even if you don’t place as highly as you prefer, virtually every college lets you re-test at another time.</p>