Is this recommendation a little...too much??

<p>I had two teachers write me recommendations on commonapp. They both did one online, and for one I printed the forms and had them fill it out because the college wanted recs mailed or faxed. So, i glanced at them while i was taking to my councelor so she could fax it. For one, on the checklist my teacher gave me about 7 marks for the "one of the top few I've encountered" category, 8 for the "outstanding (5%) category, and 1 for the "excellent category (10%)". Ok, this one is alright and i didnt really read the written part, but Im pretty sure it was ok (pretty standard). </p>

<p>Ok, on the second one my teacher gave me all marks for the "one of the top few I've encountered" categoty and only one for the "outstanding" category. Is this a little too much, it makes me sound perfect which im not. The reason she did this was not to just help me but she really really likes me as a student, and her written statement went into a little about my personality and my acedemic acheivements.</p>

<p>How will colleges see this?</p>

<p>Colleges, I’m sure, won’t think THAT deeply into your recs. They are aware that some kids are skilled at teacher charming, and it appears that you’re one of them!</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it. A good rec is ALWAYS better than a bad one.</p>

<p>Be happy! She clearly recognizes your skills and talents. You should be proud to be considered so highly, even if you’re not “perfect” (which NO ONE is). I’m sure you deserve all of the praise you are getting, good luck! =]</p>