<p>I had two teachers write me recommendations on commonapp. They both did one online, and for one I printed the forms and had them fill it out because the college wanted recs mailed or faxed. So, i glanced at them while i was taking to my councelor so she could fax it. For one, on the checklist my teacher gave me about 7 marks for the "one of the top few I've encountered" category, 8 for the "outstanding (5%) category, and 1 for the "excellent category (10%)". Ok, this one is alright and i didnt really read the written part, but Im pretty sure it was ok (pretty standard). </p>
<p>Ok, on the second one my teacher gave me all marks for the "one of the top few I've encountered" categoty and only one for the "outstanding" category. Is this a little too much, it makes me sound perfect which im not. The reason she did this was not to just help me but she really really likes me as a student, and her written statement went into a little about my personality and my acedemic acheivements.</p>
<p>How will colleges see this?</p>