Is this schedule manageable for freshman year?

<p>General Chemistry (4 credits)
Foundations of Physics (4 credits)
Vector geometry (2 credits)
Calculus II (3 credits)
Engineering Exploration (2 credits)</p>

<p>Will this schedule be too hard for an incoming freshman?</p>

<p>The only thing I’d look at is the “Foundations of Physics”. Most people take this in the Spring with Chang. I don’t know if he’s teaching it in the Fall.</p>

<p>Nope, Chang isn’t teaching physics next semester. You definitely want Chang for Physics 2305, period. This also leaves me with no clue with what classes to take in place of General Chemistry which I have AP credit for. I was thinking a CS course, but the ones I’m looking at are already full or might be full by Orientation. Guess I’ll have to wait until then.</p>

<p>CS is a good choice, if all the intro courses are full you can take a CLE course.</p>

<p>dfmlege, what website are you seeing that Chang isn’t teaching physics first semester?</p>

<p>Cause I’m taking classes here right now, and everyone I 've talked to says Chang always teaches physics the entire year.</p>

<p>The timetable at Hokie Spa, of course. Browsing the available classes for Phys 2305, the only instructors I’ve seen are Pitt, Piilonen, and the awfully vague “Staff.” The timetable does not display any classes for Spring 2012 yet.</p>

<p>dfmlege, “staff” means that they haven’t chosen/ finalized the professors. Chang has taught phys 2305 every semester for years now. I think it’s a safe bet that he will be teaching it. But, do whatever you want…</p>

<p>That’s exactly what I was thinking. I was guessing that “Staff” was just a placeholder, but it’s weird how freshmen are still allowed to sign up for classes that don’t have a definite instructor, e.g. General Chemistry or Freshman English.</p>

<p>Then is it also safe to assume that Trivedi will be teaching Chem 1035 this Fall?</p>

<p>most likely (as in 99%)</p>

<p>I saw on fb from an acquaintance from hs that Trivedi said he was retiring. I tried looking him up on the VT website as well and he’s no longer listed under VT People (while other chem professors are).</p>

<p>I found Trivedi under “Chemistry Instructors”. Difference between an instructor and professor? Here’s the link: [Chemistry</a> Instructors | Department of Chemistry | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Chemistry”></p>

<p>No difference.</p>

<p>I have confirmation that Chang will NOT teach physics this fall. Or at least, it’s “highly unlikely” that he’ll teach this fall. I emailed him several days ago. He just responded today:</p>

<p>Hi [my name],</p>

<p>Unfortunately at this moment it [seems] highly unlikely that I’ll be teaching Phys 2305 in the fall. It’s a long story but that’s the school’s decision.</p>


<p>I’m going to adopt a “wait and see” approach here. I could switch out of the course right now, but I applied for the math emporium job which means that I can’t afford to move my schedule around too much for I had designated my shifts based on my schedule. It’s unlikely that I will get the job though. Kfers shows that the other professors are pretty much terrible so I may end up switching out if I can. Any other advice?</p>

<p>well,… that just ***ked me over.</p>

<p>mcroson: I know how you feel. I worked my whole schedule around getting Physics with Chang, as did my entire Calculus I course. When I found out that Chang wasn’t teaching Physics, I actually dropped the course. I found out later that he had picked up a class around noon, but by then it was too late to drop/add. If you can’t get Chang this semester, maybe delay taking Physics I until Spring? It might be better that way, so you will be with all the other General Engineering majors. Physics is a tough course and all the help you can get from peers will benefit you.</p>

<p>Apparently, the next best teacher after Chang is Joyce. A lot of people get As in his class. If they’re both unavailable for whatever reason, then switch out, unless you think you’re prepared enough for the more difficult teachers. At this time the timetable still says “staff” for most of the courses, but I’ve emailed Joyce and will hopefully get a response in a few days.</p>

<p>I’ve heard from reading a little bit on this website that the Physics dept. at Virginia Tech isn’t nearly top notch. I even saw one guy on here, who promotes VT like crazy, say that if you are going to major in Physics, don’t do it at Virginia Tech. Pretty much the only professor I ever hear good things about in Physics is Chang. I hope I can take him for some of my ESM courses in the Spring.</p>

<p>dfmlege, definitely keep me updated! But there’s no way I’ll be able to move Physics to second semester, so I’ll end up taking it either way.</p>

<p>Concerning Joyce, you’ll notice he’s teaching quite a few PHYS 2306 classes, so I doubt he has time for PHYS 2305…</p>

<p>Actually, all of my suitemates (sophomores and one junior) have told me that Joyce is better than Chang, but they said anyone other than those two are just plain bastards.</p>


<p>Well, I’m just as frustrated as you are. I think I’ll just go ahead and email the physics chair if she knows who is teaching Physics 2305 this fall.</p>