<p>I am planning on self-studying these 3:
- AP Psychology
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Calc AB </p>
<p>Currently I am taking Biology (hoping it may help for ES), and Calculus (regular).
The only AP I am taking this year is AP Economics (Micro and Macro).
I have the end of Feb., March, April, and beginning of May (3 months) to study for these 3 courses. </p>
<p>Is this a possible feat, and how much time should I put in a day to accomplish this?
I already have all the material (books and guides) for AB, Psych and APES so I can start right away.</p>
<p>I think the hardest there will probably be psychology. If you're currently learning calculus than AB shouldn't be too much of a stretch, and I don't think ES is too tough.</p>
<p>Simultaneously. Definitely. It would seem like way too much stress to put off an entire subject until a month or two before the exam, while also having to review your other subjects.</p>
<p>As "asdfjkl1" said, psych is totally just about vocab words ('buzzwords') and knowing some example experiments. If you are good at reading a text book and memorizing, the material is a breeze. Plus, it is interesting! I'd get a textbook and start reading now... I often enjoy reading mine when I'm bored in the car etc. </p>
<p>Here's a good site that might help you get an idea of the subject. Myers</a> 7e. </p>
<p>Also.. why not just be in your school's AP Calc class??</p>
<p>==paki=='s comment is funny because ap psych is about learning about motivation and putting your midn to it.</p>
<p>K thanks for all the advise.
That Myers website is great, thx alot.</p>
<p>And to answer ur question, my school doesnt offer Pscyh, and APES is only in senior year.
I didnt take Calc AB because of 2 reasons:
(1) I chose not to opt for Pre-calc H (only way to get into AB), as the class average every year was around a 70 (supposedly a VERY hard class; harder than AB)
(2) Calculus is VERY easy, because I have the easiest teacher. So this way I can boost my GPA, and get the AP exam done. Btw my grade in Calc is a 120.83 (out of 100 - extra credit lol).</p>