<p>I'm about 75-80% done with AP Psychology, and just under 50% done with AP Environmental Science. I'm doing an "intensive, one semester" AP Biology with CTY*Online*, running from February until May.... I'm only going to have about 5 classes left, with 2 free periods every day, which might make it more manageable. Any thoughts?</p>
<p>Considering there is a bit of carry-over between AP Biology and APES, doing both while studying AP Psychology should not be too straining. </p>
<p>Make sure to review your stuff for a successful exam day :)</p>
<p>Thanks. Are you doing self-studying?</p>
<p>You’re welcome. This year I am self-studying AP Psych and AP European history. It’s gonna be a lovely May (AP Exams) this year lol.</p>