<p>Environmental Science and Psychology.</p>
<p>Tips? Review books? Amount of work needed? Doable with 3 other APs (in school)?</p>
<p>Environmental Science and Psychology.</p>
<p>Tips? Review books? Amount of work needed? Doable with 3 other APs (in school)?</p>
<p>Which 3 APs are you taking? If they are all rigorous APs then I’d do a judgment check of how much you can really handle (not saying you can’t, but you should weigh whether you can keep your grades up in your classes like you want and get the sleep you want), however, if one or two aren’t so bad then I’d be less hesitant in doing so. Also, make sure that the credit hours you stand to get are worth it. I only have experience with Psychology, but if you were really dedicated you could learn it in a month or two, I’m guessing (I took it as a class). You’d probably get better info if you asked someone who took it as self-study rather than as a class. </p>
<p>Barrons is good for psych, get the flash cards too to study a few days before exam day. You’d have to ask someone else about ES. An important part of studying for APs in general is taking practice tests, so take official ones, do some practice essays, and do some of the ones in Barron’s, keeping in mind that Barron’s tests aren’t official.</p>
<p>If you have a clear motivation for doing this, then I’d say go for it! Psych really isn’t bad at all (again, no personal experience with ES), and I believe in you! Just don’t procrastinate too much on things.</p>
<p>I’m self studying AP Psychology. I would recommend Crash Course. You get get it for like $7 on Amazon and it is pretty much the best book IMO.</p>
<p>all you need for AP Environmental Science is Princeton Review. I don’t think a text book is necessary and PR is most concise prep book for APES.</p>
<p>I would say it is definitely doable, especially with those two APs.</p>
<p>I self studied those same two courses last year, for psych definitely go with barrons and environmental science, I only used princetons and it wasn’t that great.</p>