Is TOEFL score report needed for the VISA process??

<p>I took the toefl test in august but my score report was missing, so i emailed ets and they said another report was on my way. It has been two months now and i still have no clue of my report :(. Does the toefl score report take this long to reach you (i live outside the us)?</p>

<p>Also (and this is the main question) do we need it when applying for visa to the us?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I did not need my TOEFL score report when I was applying for a visa. I did however have to speak a couple of sentences in English during my visa interview. I think the general assumption is that the university has verified your English language skills before they issued your I-20.</p>

<p>I remember my TOEFL score report took forever to arrive. I thought that I would not get a paper report at all, and I was totally surprised when I my report did arrive 2-3 months after I saw my scores online. That being said, your missing TOEFL score should not be a concern for your visa application yet. You cannot apply for a visa until May anyway, can you?</p>

<p>i seeā€¦ thanks</p>