Is UA the most active CC forum?

<p>I’ve looked at my alma mater, DD’s HS friends’ schools and several other local schools…We out post by hundreds!
Are we just social? Info hungry? Lonely? Helicopter parents? :)<br>
Wonder who the most active UA poster is?</p>



<p>Mom2ck, but TXA is gunning for her.</p>

<p>Without this active forum, UA would not even be on our radar! Thanks to all the moms, dads, students, and UA staff that share their experiences with us!</p>

<p>Agree, 100%! DH came home with a story from work that his co-worker’s son got a full tuition scholarship in JULY to Alabama. I, being the savvy college-info seeker in the family, said, “yeah, right, colleges don’t admit anyone in JULY, let alone give scholarships!!” I was already on CC, so I searched, and thanks to M2CK, saw that this is TRUE!! The rest is history!! Thanks, M2CK, and CC!!!</p>



<p>Nope. Just earnest participants in the snowballing, pay-it-forward culture that is part and parcel of the UA experience.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We took the 17 year old for his Honor’s College visit Friday (which, btw, was a great experience for him). We were sitting in a meeting with the advisor for the College of Arts and Sciences with a very undecided young man and his dad from Missouri because both boys are considering history majors. The dad had never heard of CC, so I wrote the website down for him and explained how helpful it had been when my daughter was undecided about her college choices. But then I took “explain the awesomeness of Alabama” a bit further and shared all manner of helpful info I’ve gotten from here and from my D’s 2 years at Alabama. Finally, the man asked me if Bama was paying me for my enthusiasm! I hope he will get on CC and see that there are a whole bunch of happy parents and students waiting to answer his questions.</p>

<p>I am NOT gunning for our M2CK, without whom DD would certainly be a Sooner, but I do work weird hours and often surf while most sleep.</p>

<p>It gets lonely in my coffin…bwahhhh. ;-)</p>

<p>^^^^Glad we are all here to keep you company! I love that UA is so active as I feel I am in the “know” about S2’s school. If I waited for him to tell me anything, I would know NOTHING.</p>

<p>Aw, TXA, I was just jerking your chain. Besides, Mom2ck is the Crimson Tide of CC posters - ain’t’ nobody beating her.</p>

<p>Has anyone ever posted a top 10 reasons to go to UA? Whenever I mention it to my NY/NJ friends they look at me incredulously as if to say, “You’re not seriously considering it, are you?”</p>

<p>We were sold on UA long before I discovered CC, but I can seriously say that the experience I have learned from here is fantastic, to say nothing of the friendships I have made. This is a special group we have here, and I am thankful for it. UA has something special going on here, and we are glad to be a part of it. I laugh at the people who sneer or look down on the school or the region in general because they are the ones missing out. My S couldn’t be paid to be anywhere else, especially not in the NE. The arrogance and lack of civility we have experienced there is sickening. You won’t find a more polite, genuinely helpful community anywhere else… Roll Tide.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>NYMom, we got the same question all the time from my fellow New Yorkers last year. My usual answer was “The place is amazing, have you seen it?”. Now, a year later, the usual question is “Really? He goes to Alabama?”. I just say he totally loves it, go figure. </p>

<p>He turned down some tippy top schools. He was smart enough to get into them, smart enough to earn his scholarship, and smart enough to make his own choice on the merits. Feel free to pm if you want to speak with me or my son.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama provides support and opportunities…here’s one more: DS is going to Europe with Crimson Tide Men’s Basketball Team as part of staff for two weeks…Watch out for Bama Basketball this coming year…ROLL TIDE Y’ALL</p>

<p>More opportunities both on and off campus. </p>

<p>DD is already planning on doing Alabama Action Abroad between 1st and 2nd semesters. Sounds like an amazing experience.</p>

<p>Without this active forum, there is NO WAY my son would be headed there. Too big, too much red tape, etc. This forum not only illustrated to us the big school offered some amazing small opportunities like Outdoor Action, Emerging Scholars, etc., but also pointed us in the correct direction to avoid red tape pitfalls.</p>

<p>@Longhaul do you have a link to the avoiding red tape pitfalls? We are planning to look at Bama near the end of August. I told my daughter to keep an open mind as the school seems to have most things she’s looking for in a university, but she’s concerned about its low key presence in our area. I told her that when I applied to my school, it wasn’t a big name tossed around where we lived but now it is one of the hottest schools. Hoping she listens and that UA wows her like I think it will. </p>

<p>Any tips on how to make the most of our visit? We are booked for the tour and the info session. She is eligible for a merit award but I don’t know about Honors. She is undecided about major but I’d like her to get more of a feel for the school and its program’s than the generic tour stuff.</p>

<p>Does she have a particular leaning (arts & sciences, business, etc.)? If so, I would arrange for a visit with the college office/dean/advisor to get more information about a range of majors within the college. </p>

<p>And correct me if I am wrong, but don’t merit scholarships require Honors college application and acceptance?</p>

<p>NYMom – I sent you a PM.<br>
If she is eligible for merit, she likely is eligible for Honors. GPA is weighted or unweighter – whichever the HS puts on the transcript [Admission</a> to Honors | Honors College](<a href=“]Admission”></p>

<p>DS is going to Europe with Crimson Tide Men’s Basketball Team as part of staff for two weeks…</p>

<p>Wow! Congrats! That’ll be a memory he’ll never forget!</p>